"Providing quality care TO MEET AUSTRALIAN NEEDS"
In Home Care Solutions Pty Ltd (IHCS), the Company.
The Company Executive Director, Robert Farrow went to the Philippines in 2013 with the express purpose of providing a training center and consultancy service to international health community to assist with the development of educational system/s required for Filipino Nurses and Attendant Carers to become qualified and transition to Australia to fill the current major shortages in Aged care particularly in home care.
Robert has spent many years working as a volunteer in Aged care starting at the Bethlehem Hospital, Melbourne then continuing his work for over 5 years with Fernlea House Emerald Victoria both as a Reiki practitioner and President of the Management Committee.
He sees that there will be a lot more people overall requiring these services especially the elderly and ageing Australians. Many will be living in their own homes and communities relying upon the services of Attendant Carers and/or Nurses to assist in their daily living tasks.
IHCS is NDIS registered and is set up to meet these needs as identified under the "Living Longer, Living Better program"
The Company Executive Director, Robert Farrow went to the Philippines in 2013 with the express purpose of providing a training center and consultancy service to international health community to assist with the development of educational system/s required for Filipino Nurses and Attendant Carers to become qualified and transition to Australia to fill the current major shortages in Aged care particularly in home care.
Robert has spent many years working as a volunteer in Aged care starting at the Bethlehem Hospital, Melbourne then continuing his work for over 5 years with Fernlea House Emerald Victoria both as a Reiki practitioner and President of the Management Committee.
He sees that there will be a lot more people overall requiring these services especially the elderly and ageing Australians. Many will be living in their own homes and communities relying upon the services of Attendant Carers and/or Nurses to assist in their daily living tasks.
IHCS is NDIS registered and is set up to meet these needs as identified under the "Living Longer, Living Better program"